Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Recenty I went to Israel.
Here are few things I learnt about that place

Let me think..............

1) I was with my my senior team member Meir Ivgi. This was my first day in Israel.
At the dining table I to;d him that I dont eat meat, fish , beef , etc .....
He replied "what do u eat then?".
Well the reply was simple but the way he said it he meant to say that there is nothing to eat
if u r a vegeterian
It amazed me because I think there is so much variety in vegeterian food.
But people in that part of the world are different from us as far as the food goes.

2) "How can you explain the existence of 32 crore God in ur religion? Allah is one.". This was the question raised by our taxi driver Ashraf. Well it is not that I dont know the question. I have heard it many times. I can even give u the usual answer "The routes are different but the
destination is same". But I dont like good sentences. They mean everything to the one who
has originally written them but almost nothing to the one who uses them. So Ashraf the
simple answer to this question was that I cannot justify it. I have read that in some of the sacred hindu book( i mean the book greater than the ramayana , mahabharata , bhagavada gita ) God has been refered as "it". Any guess why.........

3) "In 1948 , a group of Jewish people came and occupied this land forcefully. They said that God has given them this land. But this is not true" by Ashraf. Ashraf is an Israeli Muslim. You can see the anger in his sentence. I know that there are such angry muslims in India too. Not good for a country where its people are angry......

4) The last thing I observed that there were so few Christian people at the birth place of Christ. I may be wrong but I did not see many people there.

So thats it now some photos

1) Jerusalem
A good place if you are intersted in seeing a historical place. A sacred place for Christians

The place where Jesus Christ was born

A church at jerusalem. Most probably Nativity church

The place where Jesus sat before he was crucified
Hope I am correct.

The streets where Jesus walked with the cross before he was crucified. It an irony that I saw very few Christians living at this place.

A church on the way where Jesus took his final journey. As always I forgot the name of this place....

Beautiful landscape at the back
On the way to Dead Sea

Picture from the Masada fort.

1 comment:

manoj said...

Well.... a response asked by chetan

ok i will give......

How can u define god(if u beleive in it)?
I have some ans.

1) God cannot take birth and cannot die.
2) God is in all of us(so simple)
3) We cannot imagine how God looks like because our mind is of this world and God id beyond this world.
(I think this is hard to explain..
or u can say that God cannot be compared to anyone..... i think this is better...... By the way these three points are very similar to the concept of God in Islam )

If u think of any God......
say Krishna , Ram , Shiva , Jesus..
Do they pass the three points..

So does anyone has any objection to the three points mentioned by me

If not can anyone think of God who passes the three points.

I will give u an example....
Ram --> He lived and died in Ayodhya

If u cannot get any of the God
worshipped by u.....
Think of "IT".